1. A high content of iron is good for pregnant women and people with anemia. But, do not get excessive, consult your physician first untukmendapatkan dose according to your condition.
2. You mess around with the problem of clogging the pores of the face? Tempelkanlah mango slices into your face and wash after ten minutes.
3. If you have any problems with the digestive tract, there is no fruit that can help a lot as well as mango. Mangoes can digestion because they contain enzymes that digest protein Formatting.
4. Mangoes are rich in potassium, so good for lowering blood pressure. In addition, mangos also contain pectin, fiber materials that can lower cholesterol levels in the body.
5. You are trying to gain weight? Put the mango into your daily menu. Mangoes are rich in calories and carbohydrates that nourish and increase endurance.
6. Some studies suggest consuming mango may reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.
7. Is studying for an exam? The fruit is also rich in glutamine's acid protein that is essential for concentration and memory. Instead mencamil chips and pastries, it's better to eat slices of mango while you learn.
8. Although not traditionally considered as an aphrodisiac, mangos contain vitamin E which membantung improve one's sex life. Vitamin E is function of sex hormones regulate seseorang.Jadi
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